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Facebook Messaging, Places For Windows Phone 7

Are you a Facebook freak with a windows 7 phone? Well half the world stays connected through Facebook these days, There are so many things integrated into Facebook now, like the games, applications and countless other things. We all know that Facebook is the most giant social networking website with over 500 million users since its release in january 2004. A very small number of companies have been able to do so much progress in such a less time. Frankly speaking this website has taken over most of the other websites present on the world wide web today. On this website users can create profiles, add other users as friends, exchange messages and let the other people know what is going on through status updates and automatic

Lately Facebook is being launched on almost all the devices which can connect to internet, we have Facebook clients for symbian phones, netbooks, smartphones and many other devices. The problem is that these devices keep getting upgraded regularly and it is not possible for a single company to keep up with so many device upgrade related issues. For example, if you love facebook and you have bought a windows 7 phone recently then you might not be able to access the check in and messenger features because they still need to be adjusted for the windows 7 phone operating system technology. if you are suffering due to this reason then we have the perfect solution for you. These two new apps are specially developed for the Facebook fanatics who just cant wait to use check in and instant messaging services of Facebook on their new windows 7 phone.
These two applications are known as the Facebook Places and the Facebook Messaging. Facebook places lets all your friends know your whereabouts by notifying them automatically the places you check in and it also notifies yuo about where your friends are, so that you don’t miss a chance to catch-up with your buddies whenever they are nearby. Facebook messenger, as we all know enables you to chat with your Facebook friends who are online. Facebook is becoming popular day by day and I am sure that almost everyone who uses a computer has got an account on Facebook.
So I am sure that all the people who were waiting for these two applications to be released on windows 7 phones for Facebook would be very happy to hear this news and they should probably download them as soon as possible to start sharing more with their friends.

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